Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Setting Distribution Groups Default OU in Exchange 2010/2013/2016

When we creating a Mail Distribution Group in the Exchange Shell or Exchange Admin Center, we are given the option to choose which Organizational Unit (OU) in Active Directory (AD) we want the Distribution Group to be created.

Exchange 2013

Change a Universal Distribution Group to a Universal Security Group in Exchange 2010/2013

Let's convert Mail Distribution Group to Mail Enabled Security Group.

Оpen ADUC and take properties of the Group, then change the Group type from Distribution

to Security

Now in Exchange Admin Center we have a Mail Universal Security Group instead of a Mail Universal Distribution Group
Let’s use this group to set permissions. Start Outlook and add this group to set permissions to my Calendar folder.
Add this group to the Calendar folder and press ok.
If you see the Deny circle sign on the distribution group
You receive an error message in Outlook when you try to set permissions for a distribution group on a mailbox folder in Exchange Server